BISD Child Nutrition Cooked Up Some Sensory Fun

BISD Child Nutrition Cooked Up Some Sensory Fun
Posted on 05/20/2021
This is the image for the news article titled BISD Child Nutrition Cooked Up Some Sensory FunRachel Arthur, Child Nutrition Director has not only “cooked up some fun” for her team and a special group of students, but she has set the standard in making sure all means all, and her staff lives it.

This Spring, Rachel challenged her whole department to use extra resources from their campus kitchens to create sensory sound boards for their campus PPCD and Life Skills students. The optional activity invited the department to use pallets, smallwares, utensils, all recycled kitchen items and then added some to create the sensory fun boards. The goal was to facilitate teamwork for a great cause.

The campuses that participated in this creative activity were: Polk, Brannen, Lanier, Brazosport HS, AP Beutel, Madge Griffith, Elisabet Ney, and Freeport Elementary. Chef Jay made a sensory sound board for Roberts Elementary and the kitchen staff at Freeport Intermediate made one for TW Ogg Elementary students.

Rachel Arthur was extremely impressed and said “They put a lot of love into these sensory walls so that the students can ‘cook up some fun’ anytime.” She added, “It was such a cool experience for our staff to get to connect with these students.”

We are so proud of our Child Nutrition Department. This is just one more way they demonstrate what a caring family we have in Brazosport ISD. Thanks goes to our amazing School Lunch Heroes!

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