Board Meeting Notice - February 22, 2021
The regular meeting of the BISD Board of Trustees that was canceled February 15, due to the weather, is rescheduled for Monday, February 22, 6:00 pm, at T.W. Ogg Elementary School, 200 Lazy Lane in Clute.
Board Meeting Agenda
Board Meeting Notice Update ~ 02/15/2021 - 10:30 AM
This evening's regular meeting of the Brazosport ISD Board of Trustees has been canceled due to wintery weather conditions.
Stay Warm & Safe!
Board Meeting Notice Update~ 02/12/2021 2:30 PM
Please note time change: Meeting will be held at 4:00 pm due to anticipated wintery weather conditions.
Board Meeting Notice ~ 02/12/2021 12:00 PM
The next regular meeting of the Brazosport ISD Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, February 15, 2021, 4:00 pm, at T.W. Ogg Elementary School, 200 Lazy Lane in Clute.
Board Meeting Agenda