Brazosport ISD continues to lead as a District of Innovation by offering additional innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses and dual credit (high school and college credit) opportunities for our students. Brazosport ISD is happy to announce four new courses and dual credit opportunities for high school and intermediate students next school year. The new courses include two Project Lead the Way offerings which will provide the final set of courses for pathways in Engineering and Computer Science, and a new course for our intermediate school students to create mobile applications. The dual credit additions will enable BISD students to receive basic certifications in Drafting, Industrial /Commercial Electricity, Pipefitting, Machine Technology (Millwright & machining) along with the prerequisites for an Associates Degree in Nursing.
The four new courses include four high school selections and one intermediate option:
Project Lead The Way: Cybersecurity Capstone
Project Lead The Way: Engineering Design & Development
Principles of Information Technology
Project Lead The Way Gateway: App Creators & Computer Science (intermediate school)
Two of the approved offerings are Project Lead the Way high school courses. Project Lead the Way courses are a nationally recognized curriculum that is developed by a well trained team of professionals with extensive education and experience in the classroom and in industry. Project Lead the Way coursework provides a cohesive instructional path for students that is informed by their personal classroom experiences, educators, current research, and ongoing collaboration with experts in academia and industry. This powerful combination provides a comprehensive learning experience unlike any other and provides students with leading-edge knowledge and expertise, as well as transportable skills that they can utilize in the future. These two classes will provide the final set of courses for the Project Lead the Way pathways in Engineering and Computer Science. These two sections and the intermediate school Project Lead The Way Gateway: App Creators & Computer Science will all be largely funded by a Dow Grant.
Project Lead The Way Gateway: App Creators & Computer Science course will provide our students in our three intermediate schools with a second year option in Computer Science. The Project Lead The Way course approved last year focused on the development of robotics in our intermediate schools, whereas this new course will spark engagement and will empower students to lead their own discoveries in computer science and the creation of mobile apps. The estimated cost to launch this new and innovative course will be close to $20,000 and will be partially funded by a Dow grant.
Additionally, Brazosport ISD is also excited to announce that the Board approved new CTE programs of study and dual credit workforce articulations for our students to earn. These allow student to earn a:
BISD has worked collaboratively with Brazosport College to better align CTE coursework to add to our joint Dual Credit programs. This partnership has brought these opportunities for our students to earn certifications in Drafting, Industrial /Commercial Electricity, Pipefitting, Machine Technology (Millwright & machining) along with the prerequisites for an Associates Degree in Nursing. Our students already have this opportunity in Automotive, Welding, and the CATALYST program provides this for Process technology and Instrumentation. These additions will enable our students to have a 16-18 hour head start on Associate programs in these same fields upon high school graduation.