The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) reached out to Brazosport ISD Board Secretary Jerry Adkins requesting that he join the effort to stand up for students as the State Legislative Session approaches.
“The 88th Legislative Session is shaping up to be one of the most difficult for Texas public schools in recent history,” Dax Gonzales with TASB wrote in a letter to Adkins. “It’s therefore imperative that school board trustees across the state stand up for their community’s schools and Texas public education in general. With this in mind, we are creating a special advocacy group of dedicated Texas trustees who have a demonstrated ability to stand up for Texas public schools. The TASB Governmental Relations (GR) Team has identified you as a trustee with a strong track record of advocating on behalf of Texas public school students, and we want to invite you to join this new Advanced Advocate Group.”
Adkins, who is known for keeping well informed of all things related to public education and governmental affairs, immediately accepted the invitation. The group leader vows to provide Adkins and other members of the Advanced Advocacy Group with activities designed to influence and impact education bills as they progress through the legislature. Gonzales explained that activities might include directly reaching out to our region’s legislators, traveling to Austin to visit with lawmakers and staff, testifying before a legislative committee, or simply rallying other trustees and community members to join the advocacy efforts.
In addition to this new assignment, Jerry Adkins serves as President for the Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards, as well as on the Legislative Advocacy Network for Region 4, and is a two-time representative to the National School Board Association Advocacy Institute. In all of these roles, he is able to be a leader for key topics affecting the future of students across the state and nation. Adkins was elected to the BISD Board in 2013, and has lived in the Brazosport community for nearly 50 years. His three children are all products and graduates of the Brazosport ISD community.
“We are so very grateful for the dedication of Mr. Adkins to the students and staff of Brazosport ISD and public education,” said Danny Massey BISD Superintendent of Schools.
Please join us in thanking Mr. Adkins for his commitment and willingness to go above and beyond for students at the local, state, and national levels.