BISD ESSER III Stakeholder Survey

Take the ESSER III Stakeholder Survey
Posted on 06/23/2022
This is the image for the news article titled Take the ESSER III Stakeholder SurveyBISD would like to hear from you...

Brazosport ISD applied for and was awarded the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) grant in August of 2021. Periodically, the Safe Return to School and In-Person Continuity Plan and the Uses of Funds Plan, both components of this grant, are reviewed and are subject to revisions based on new CDC or TEA guidance or specific needs of the district. We will be conducting a review and possible revisions to these plans and would like stakeholder input prior to doing so. Please submit your feedback by using the survey link below. Your response is very important to us. Thank you in advance for your participation.

BISD ESSER III Stakeholder Survey
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