Online Registration for the 2022-23 school year is now available for all current BISD students. We encourage you to save time and register your child online. Registration will close on August 15, 2022 at midnight. Registering online allows for:
- Convenience of using any computer (Ex: home, work, etc...)
- Ability to register multiple students at one time in one location
- Parent/Guardian will be given a "B*Registered" ID allowing them
to bypass registration lines at beginning-of-year orientation events
Click here for B*Registered Instructions
Haga un clic aquí para instrucciones de Estar*Registrado
To avoid connection issues, please use Google Chrome as your browser for Online Registration.
NOTE: If you prefer to opt-out of our online registration, you may print off the registration forms and bring them to your campus along with the required documents.
Enrollment Forms for the 2022-2023 School Year: