The Texas Education Agency recently announced that Brazosport ISD has once again received a superior rating in the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST). BISD has maintained the highest rating since the inception of the rating system by the state in 2001, reaffirming its commitment to financial transparency and responsible management.
The FIRST rating system is comprised of 20 financial indicators. The criteria assess various aspects of a school district's financial health, including administrative cost expenditures, the accuracy of financial information submitted to the Texas Education Agency (TEA), compliance with payment terms of current debt obligations, long-term debt ratio and other solvency-related indicators, and any financial vulnerabilities or material weaknesses in internal controls as determined by an external auditor.
BISD's sustained record of financial excellence showcases its ability to provide the highest quality education while making efficient and cost-effective use of taxpayer dollars. The district remains dedicated to ensuring that each dollar invested maximizes the learning opportunities for every BISD student.
Rebecca Kelley, Chief Financial Officer of BISD, emphasized the importance of maintaining trust and transparency when managing public funds. She stated, "Fiscally responsible decisions have a direct impact on financial resources available for instruction. We understand the importance of trust and transparency as it relates to managing public funds and are proud of this rating as it demonstrates our commitment to our stakeholders."
A school district is assigned one of four possible letter grades - A, B, C or F - as well as a coinciding financial management rating - Superior, Above Standard, Meets Standard or Substandard Achievement. BISD has received an “A” for superior achievement.
To view FIRST ratings for all school districts, visit
TEA’s School FIRST website. Click here to view
BISD’s FIRST Rating.