Danielle McDonald, counselor at Stephen F. Austin STEM Academy and Joey Bryson, counselor at Lake Jackson Intermediate School have been named Brazosport ISD’s Counselors of the Year.
Each year administrators from across the district vote for the counselor they feel exemplifies the role of school counselor at the elementary and secondary level. School counselors must demonstrate attributes and qualities of supporting students in the areas of career, personal/social and academic development of students, leadership, advocacy, collaboration, service to school and community and have the highest levels of professional and personal ethical standards.
Congratulations and thank you for all you do for BISD!

Danielle McDonald has been with BISD for a total of six years. McDonald spent her first three years as a BISD Counselor at Velasco Elementary and has now served the students at SFA STEM Academy for three years. Mrs. McDonald is a proud product of BISD and went on to receive her bachelor’s degree from Abilene Christian University and her M. Ed. in Guidance and Counseling from Angelo State University.
McDonald’s absolute favorite thing about being a school counselor is being a safe place for kids, faculty, staff, and parents to come talk or seek guidance. “I had a strong connection with my elementary counselor when I was a student at SFA, Mrs. Gayle Stein, and I knew I always wanted to grow up and be just like her! I strive to be that strong connection to each of my students and families each and every day. I absolutely love my job and I love Brazosport ISD,” said McDonald.

Joey Bryson has served the students at Lake Jackson Intermediate School for the past three years and has been with BISD for a total of five years. Bryson continued her education receiving her bachelor’s degree in Special Education from Southern Wesleyan University in Central, SC, her M. Ed. in Divergent Learning from Columbia College in Columbia, SC and her M. Ed. in School Counseling from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX.
Mrs. Bryson enjoys building connections with students and their families. Bryson says, “Connections of trust allow her to reach students and help them succeed academically and emotionally while learning and staying true to themselves.”