You are invited to attend a Public Hearing hosted by the Brazosport Independent School District to come and “preview” Instructional Materials that are under adoption by the State of Texas for the 2021-2022 school year. Under Proclamation 2021, the Texas Education Agency requires the adoption of new materials in the following subject areas:
- English and Spanish Pre Kindergarten Resources
This Public Hearing is being held to provide an opportunity for the community to review and comment on the materials presented by publishers that are used in the day to day instruction within our classrooms.
When: Tuesday, January 5, 2021
8:00 am - 4:00 pm (BISD Teaching Staff)
**Due to the Coronavirus, we will be ensuring social distancing and safety measures are in place during this event. Please call to set up an appointment for viewing at 979-730-7000 ext. 10110.
Where: Elisabet Ney Pre Kindergarten
308 Winding Way
Lake Jackson, Texas 77566
Where can you find additional information?
For more information you can contact John Murtell, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Academics at 979-730-7000, ext. 10110. We welcome your comments, feedback and participation.