Capturing Kids' Hearts

Capturing Kids' HeartsSecondary schools in Brazosport ISD utilize the socio-emotional learning techniques and classroom facilitation tools developed by Capturing Kids’ Hearts (CKH). These are designed to peak student interest, establish collaborative agreements of behavior in every classroom, create high performing groups, increase pro-social skills, create more time on-task, and increase student performance.

Classrooms utilize a collaboratively developed social contract that outlines how people agree to treat each other within the classroom. Each day begins with students having an opportunity to share good things going on in their lives, school, or community. Teachers communicate in a way to establish connections with students and build relevant connections to the content they teach, as well as end class periods with a powerful and positive closure for the day or class period.

In May, 2022, three of BISD campuses were named as Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools.


Capturing Kid's Hearts Showcase Schools

H. E. Marcum Ninth Grade Center at Brazoswood High School
Clute Intermediate School
R. O’Hara Lanier Middle School

The Flippen Group recognizes and celebrates campuses that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students and staff feel safe and connected. Capturing Kids’ Hearts campuses are considered for these awards based on the following criteria:

  1. Nomination based on observation
  2. Level of implementation of Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes by all staff as measured by online surveys
  3. Data demonstrating that Capturing Kids’ Hearts has made a significant improvement in attendance, student management, climate/culture, or academics

A Flippen Group team visited each campus to gather additional quantitative and qualitative data, and to interview students, teachers, administrators, and parents. They used a matrix of key measurements to gather information during the campus walk-through. Finally, an additional survey was conducted to collect feedback regarding the perceived climate and culture of the campus and its conduciveness to learning.

We applaud these campuses for setting the standard at a national level and achieving such a prestigious award.

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