In August 2022 Brazosport ISD began the 2Words Character Development program for its student athletes. Founded by Stephen Mackey, a nationally recognized player development coach, keynote speaker and best selling author, the 2Words program is a weekly video-based, character development curriculum designed for coaches and written for secondary athletes across all sports.
In coordination with this character based leadership initiative, BISD started the Athletic Leadership Council (ALC) with the goal of bringing together student-leaders from across the campus and district, and building leadership capacity in those students so they have additional tools they need to impact their teams, campus and community.
BISD is excited to have taken our Athletic Leadership Council and Head Coaches to the next level by hosting the first LEAD event, LEAD 2024. On October 15, 2024 at Freeport RiverPlace, district and community leaders, coaches and student-athlete leaders met in a round table format to discuss the values of leadership and continue to build on the 2Words character lessons.
BISD Director of Athletics and Activities Jay Zeller said of the program,”I'm highly selective of the people and/or programs that we put in front of our staff and students. I've known Mackey and used the 2Words program now in 3 different districts. I know what Mackey stands for and I never have to worry about his message contradicting our message. We are one voice in that sense.” Zeller went on to say, “Mackey has a heart for growing young people and being a resource for positive development. In addition to that, Mackey can contribute to the growth of our adult staff with his lessons. He reaches everybody within earshot of his message. LEAD 2024 is just another way we're moving the needle forward in our effort to be The BEST.”
To be on the Athletic Leadership Council (ALC) student members are selected by their head coach. Each sport nominates 2-3 deserving athletes and the campus coordinators lead the program for each campus. Program Coordinators for Brazosport are Coach Sincere and Coach Short, and Program Coordinators for Brazoswood are Coach Luster and Coach Trotter. ALC members must maintain exemplary character to remain in this elite student organization.
With programs like 2Words and the Athletic Leadership Council, the district continues to support students in becoming positive role models on their teams, for their campus and in the community. Lead 2024 is one more step toward helping students lead with integrity both on and off the field.