The Brazosport Independent School District recognizes that gifted and advanced students have special needs and abilities. The gifted program will provide identified students with opportunities beyond the regular curriculum to broaden their knowledge, skills and experiences. Emphasis will be on developing independent, self-directed learners by encouraging and supporting in-depth learning and divergent and creative thinking. Gifted students will be expected to and will be given opportunities to perform beyond what would be expected of a child of similar age and experience. Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students Handbook
In 1980 the Board of Trustees approved the BISD SEARCH (Seeking Excellence through Ability, Responsibility, Creativity and Honor) program for gifted and talented students in all Brazosport schools. The BISD SEARCH program was originally developed to meet the needs of a unique population of gifted and talented youth, a small group of students differing markedly from their peers in abilities, interests and psychological maturity.
Currently, our SEARCH program serves our identified K-4th grade identified GT students and our Advanced Academics program serves our 5th-12th grade identified GT and high achieving students.
The BISD curriculum is differentiated, modified and enriched in response to these students’ differences. Teachers are provided with additional resources and strategies for use with G/T and high achieving students whenever they are appropriate and useful. Thus, all students should be challenged and encouraged to go as far beyond the prescribed TEKS as their abilities and interests will allow.
A "gifted and talented" student means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who exhibits high performance capability; possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or excels in a specific academic field.
Students who participate in services designed for gifted/talented students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted/talented students will have produced products and performances of professional quality as part of their program services.
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Identification: Testing takes place in the fall semester. Identified by March 1.
Services: Differentiated instruction by the classroom teacher in English, Math, Science and Social Studies. In addition to their classroom differentiation, the Advanced Academics Specialist for their respective campus will pull-out the identified students for enrichment class each week for 30-45 minutes from March 1-EOY. During this pull-out time, students are provided an array of learning opportunities, and problem-solving.
Grade Level: 1-3
Identification: Testing takes place in the spring semester and services begin in the next school year.
Services: Differentiated instruction by the classroom teacher. In addition to their classroom differentiation, the Advanced Academic Specialist for their respective campus will pull-out the identified students for an enrichment class each week for 90 minutes. During this pull-out time, students are provided an array of learning opportunities, problem solving, and research skills and processes, as well as a Texas Performance Standards Projects. Students are introduced to and use the Independent Investigation Method or IIM, a research process which involves seven user-friendly steps to accomplish research tasks. Student products and performances are judged by outside evaluators and shared with the community.
Grade Level: 4
Identification: Testing takes place in the spring semester and services begin in the next school year.
Services: Differentiated instruction by the classroom teacher. In addition to their classroom differentiation, the Advanced Academic Specialist for their respective campus will pull-out the identified students for an enrichment class each week for 120 minutes. During this pull-out time, students are provided an array of learning opportunities, problem solving, and research skills and processes, as well as a Texas Performance Standards Projects. Students are introduced to and use the Independent Investigation Method or IIM, a research process which involves seven user-friendly steps to accomplish research tasks. Student products and performances are judged by outside evaluators and shared with the community.
Grade Level: 5-8

Identification: Testing takes place in the spring semester and services begin in the next school year.
Services: Students are identified by subject area and may participate in those SEARCH/Honors classes for which they qualify. Honor students receive differentiated services with specially trained teachers in each of the four core content areas. Language arts, social studies, and science are extended horizontally while math is modified through vertical acceleration. Curriculum is developed through the content coordinators’ offices with assistance from the Advanced Academics Office. Students will be served on SEARCH/Honors teams where acceleration of learning is encouraged and students are provided an array of learning opportunities are required to complete a Texas Performance Standards Projects. Student products and performances are judged by outside evaluators and shared with the community.
Grade Level: 9-12
Identification: Testing takes place in the spring semester and services begin in the next school year.
Services: Identified Honor students at the high school level are served in three course areas: Honors and Dual Credit (DC). In Honors classes, highly trained teachers integrate collegiate level curriculum with the TEKS in order to prepare students for the rigor of Honors and Dual Credit courses. The Honors and Dual Credit programs represent vertical and horizontal acceleration, allowing students to earn college credit while still in high school. Honors curriculum is developed through the content coordinators’ offices with assistance from the Advanced Academics Office. Honors curriculum is developed by the classroom teacher and approved by College Board. Dual Credit curriculum is developed by the college professor.
Advanced Academics Handbook