Brazosport ISD offers a 1:1 initiative called EmpowerEd district wide. This means that every BISD student from Pre-Kindergarten to twelfth grade will be receiving a Chromebook device. Secondary students grades five through twelfth will have an assigned device and will be allowed to take their devices home.
EmpowerEd is funded by the 2019 Bond and aligns with the BISD’s Strategic Plan. The purpose of this initiative is to provide the equipment and resources needed to meet the needs of today’s students, to teach 21st century skills and graduate all BISD students as future ready.
EmpowerEd began in 2015 with three elementary campuses piloting the 1:1 initiative. Then in 2016, BISD named the 1:1 initiative EmpowerEd and added all secondary grades (5-12). With the Bond 2019 and District wide support we are able to continue to support the EmpowerEd program!
EmpowerEd Participation
In order for your student to participate and receive a chromebook, you must complete the following requirements.
- EmpowerED Handbook:
The EmpowerEd Handbook covers an overview of receiving / returning your device, taking care of your device, using your device, insurance, damages, and more. Please read the handbook carefully and sign the acknowledgement form online or onsite at campus.
2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook | 2024-2025 Manual para Estudiantes/Padres
- Optional Insurance Fees:
Chromebook insurance is now open for students grades 5-12. If you owe a technology fee, you are not eligible to purchase insurance until all technology fees are paid. If you happen to pay for insurance while having outstanding fees then the insurance payment will apply to only the outstanding fees. For more information on student fees you can call BISD Technology Help Desk at 979-730-7450 or your assigned campus. You can pay fees online at this link:
Pay Outstanding Technology Fees
It is not too late to opt in and prepay for Chromebook insurance (option will close August 30). You can prepay early at the link below. This applies only to students grades 5-12.
Prepay Chromebook Insurance Online
Any hotspots, tablets, chargers, chromebooks can be turned in to the Technology Resource Center (221 Lakeview Drive, Clute, Texas 77531) between 8-4 p.m. Monday - Thursday.
Why EmpowerEd?
- Access to digital educational resources
- Availability beyond the school day
- Individualized learning
- Creativity and innovation
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Communication and collaboration
- Technology literacy skills
Why Chromebooks?
- Ease of management
- Free software updates
- Low purchase price point
- Low Total cost of Ownership
- Access to Digital resources and textbooks
- Lightweight and portable
- Compatible with Google Apps for Education
For additional assistance or more information, please contact BISD Technology Help Desk at 979-730-7450.