Update Contact Information

Parents and Students, Help Us Keep You Informed!
Posted on 08/28/2024
Help Us Keep You Informed!

BISD uses SchoolMessenger for fast school-to-parent and student communications including attendance calls, general information and to send emergency alerts all by phone, text and/or email.

To ensure that you receive important notices, we ask that you check your contact information using one of the following methods:

How to Update Contact Information:

For Parents or Guardians
Note that BISD notifications will deliver to ALL those marked as a parent or guardian.

  1. Visit your BISD Parent Self Serve Account
  2. If you are registered to use Parent Self Serve, login and click the ‘Edit Contact Info’ tab.
  3. Contact your child’s campus and the attendance staff will assist you.

For Students
Sharing student information is not required and information shared will only be used in the event of an emergency. The same notification will be sent to the parent or guardian.

  1. Log in to your Student Self Serve Account
  2. Go to the "Edit Contact Info" tab.
  3. Click the “Edit” button.
  4. Add/update your cell phone number.
  5. Click the “Submit Changes” button to save.

Types of Communications Sent and Action Steps Needed to Receive or Block:

Phone Calls

  • Sends to all contacts marked as a parent or guardian's home and cell phone listed on file for your child.
  • Calls to students will only be sent in the event of an emergency and the parent/guardian will receive the same message.
  • Missed announcements can be accessed by dialing 979-730-7080.
  • To be REMOVED or BLOCK calls from BISD please contact the campus for assistance.
  • To UNBLOCK calls from BISD, please contact the campus for assistance.

Text Messages

  • Sends to all contacts marked as a parent or guardian's cell phone listed on file for your child.
  • Texts to students will only be sent in the event of an emergency and the parent/guardian will receive the same message.
  • Your cell phone number must be listed as the ‘Cell Phone’ (not ‘Home Number’)
  • You must OPT IN by texting YES to 67587
  • Text STOP to 67587 to OPT OUT
  • Standard text messaging rates do apply.


  • Sends to all contacts marked as a parent or guardian's email address listed on file for your child.
  • Emails to students will only be sent in the event of an emergency and the parent/guardian will receive the same message.
  • To BLOCK emails from BISD, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email sent.
  • To UNBLOCK emails from BISD, please contact the campus for assistance.

Along with our website, Parent Portal, Facebook and Twitter announcements, SchoolMessenger is a tremendous asset for general communication and emergency notifications. The district will only use SchoolMessenger to provide information that is timely and relevant.

Click here for a list of SchoolMessenger FAQs.

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