Brazosport Raises $3,460 for Susan G. Komen Foundation

Students and staff members of Brazosport High School held a breast cancer awareness t-shirt drive in October and thanks to the generous support of the Freeport community they raised a total of $3,460! The funds were donated to the Susan G.Komen Foundation.
“This donation is in honor of all of those that have fought the battle against cancer,” said Brazosport High School Principal Richard Yoes. “We have many survivors in our school community, and we also carry the memory of those that did not survive the fight. We are grateful for your generous contributions, and are proud to make this donation.”

Brazosport Shipmates wearing the 2019 Breast Cancer Awareness t-shirt from Brazosport High School.

Exporters Believe!
Brazosport HS Cheer Team supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month at the Pink Out Football Game.