Long Range Facilities Planning Committee

Citizens’ Long Range Facilities Planning Committee

The Brazosport area is experiencing a significant amount of industrial expansion which will fuel property value growth over the next decade.  Based on current projections, if all the projects are constructed, values will grow from $6.6B to nearly $15B.  This growth would allow the District to address some of the lingering facility needs without an increase in the tax rate, basically allowing industry to fund the facility needs.

On December 10, 2013, the Board of Trustees took the first step in the process and approved the development of the “Citizens Long Range Facilities Planning and Bond Committee.”  Following a month long nomination process which was communicated through the District website, social media and at various meetings the District received 28 interested citizens to serve on this committee representing all areas of the District.

The second step was the selection of an architect to assist with this process.  The District formed an “Architect Selection Committee” of ten members comprised of two Board Members and representation from DEIC, Citizens’ Finance Committee, Curriculum Advisory Committee and administration.  A “request for qualifications” was submitted and responses received in January 2014.  The committee met twice to:

  1. Review all firms and select 5 firms to interview.
  2. Interview/evaluate selected firms and make recommendation.

On January 8, 2014 on the recommendation of the Architect Selection Committee, the Board selected Corgan and Associates as the architect to assist the District in this process.On February 25, 2014, the Board held a workshop to establish the vision and guidelines for the long-range facilities planning process.  The link to the visioning document is below:

Long Range Visioning Framework and Charge

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