Dress Code

There is a close relationship between high standards of dignity and pride and proper grooming which all contribute to an appropriate learning environment. Modesty will be the dominant feature in all clothes. Attire will be clean, inoffensive, and not distracting. The student and parent share in the responsibility for proper grooming; however, the campus administrators have the final authority concerning the appropriateness of clothes and hairstyle.

In addition to the BISD dress code, the following will be enforced in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) at the Lighthouse Learning Center (LLC):

The Lighthouse dress code is to be followed at all times. Our goal is to establish a manner of dress that will reflect excellence and self-respect. The following dress code is intended to accomplish a standardized school dress without having to order from a specific uniform company or catalog.

  1. Daily Dress Code - Uniforms will NOT be provided by LLC
    •  SOLID White, Gray or Black Polo style shirt
    • Solid black or gray crew neck short sleeve undershirt (if needed)
    • Black pants (No cargo)
      • Pants must be black material, with or without pleats, without cuffs. The pants must not have any frayed or ripped areas
      • This is the same expectation for females. Females who show up with ANY PANTS (such as but not limited to skinny, tight, stretchy/yoga) will be considered out of dress code.
    • Solid white or black socks
    • Solid black leather/cloth-type belt (NO BELT BUCKLES WITH DESIGNS)
    • Black, white, gray shoes 
    • A sports bra is recommended for young ladies. Undergarments should not show through shirts
    • Solid black or gray crew cut sweatshirt is optional (no hoodies and no pockets)
  2. SHIRTS - LLC will not provide these.
    • Solid White, Gray or Black Polo style shirt
    • Solid White, Gray or Black Long Sleeve button up shirt
    • Undershirts may be worn, but must be a solid white crew cut t-shirt or tank top to cover undergarments
    • Solid Gray or Black crew neck sweatshirt with no hoods or pockets
  3. PANTS -
    • NO joggers, cargo pants style, stretch fabric (YOGA PANTS), hip-huggers, or “skinny” pants
    • Pants are to be worn at the waist. They must be fitted at the waist and in the crotch before being belted. Any student who is unable to keep his/her pants at the waist will be given the opportunity to tighten his/her belt or a zip tie will be used to assist in keeping pants at the proper fit and we will attempt to notify parents in each case.
    • Students may not roll up their pant legs into tight cuffs.
    • Slacks must be permanently hemmed at an appropriate length; no frays, slits or tears.
    • Tight or baggy fitting pants are not permitted at any time.
    • No athletic shorts are to be worn under the pants.
  4. BELTS - LLC will not provide these.
    •  Belts are to be worn at all times and are to be leather, cloth or plastic. Must be solid black or brown with no decorative designs. Belt Buckles must be plain without design.
  5. SHOES - Must be worn at all times.
    • Shoes must be tennis shoes or athletic shoes, NO VANS, SLIDES, BOOTS or SLIP on shoes will be allowed.
    • Shoes must be black and white only, including the sole of the tennis shoe, with no accent colors (including the stitching on the shoe).
    • The shoelaces must also be black or white.
  6. SOCKS - Must be worn at all times
    • Solid colored with no inappropriate graphics
  7. HAIR - Hair, eyebrows and eyelashes
    • Hair is to remain out of the students face at all times.
      • Females - Hair will be pulled out of face into a high ponytail at all times
        • Females cannot pull hair from the pony tail to accent their faces
      • Males - Hair needs to be cut and clean. No lines or designs can be cut into hair.
        • Males with hair exceeding 2”, must be pulled back into a ponytail and pulled out of their faces
    • Eyebrows must be free of shaved and dyed designs
    • Headbands can be worn
      • Cannot be bigger than 2”
      • Must be black or gray in color
    • Eyelashes must be natural. No extensions
    • Hair cannot have designs An exception to the dress code will be made for students who, as a  matter of their sincerely held religious belief, keep their hair long or uncut, or wear religious headwear or clothing, including but not limited to the Sikh dastaar (turban), the  Muslim hijab (head scarf), or the Jewish yarmulke (skull cap).
  8. All students must keep their shirts tucked in tightly. Blousing of the shirt is not allowed. The belt must be visible.
  9. Identifiable gang-related apparel will not be allowed.
  10. No jewelry (including watches) of any kind is allowed.  All jewelry will be confiscated, and parents will be required to pick it up from the front office. Prior arrangements will need to be made with the front office. At the end of the school year all unclaimed items will be disposed of.
  11. No visible body piercing will be allowed. Clear and Flat spacers can be worn
  12. Tattoos shall be covered if they are offensive, signify gang association, or cause a disruption of the educational process. Students must provide appropriate coverings for all tattoos if they do not follow the guidelines in the district code of conduct.  Students must bring a box of Band-Aids to leave at school for this purpose.
  13. Students shall not wear make-up while at LLC.
  14. Only black or white hair ties are allowed and must be worn in the hair at all times. Students may not wear bands around their wrist.
  15. Nail polish or artificial nails are not allowed.
  16. No temporary dental covers (grills) will be allowed; only permanent dental appliances affixed by a dentist will be allowed.
  17. Masks are optional; however, if you choose to wear one, it must be plain black, gray or white, or the disposable black or blue. No writings, characters or markings of any kind
  18. Students must remain in LLC dress code until they are off of the LLC campus which includes the parking lot.
  19. Since it is impractical to list every possibility of dress and grooming, final decisions concerning what is acceptable are left to a building administrator as stated in the BISD Student Code of Conduct.
  20. The Lighthouse Learning Center is not responsible for items brought to school. These items include, but are not limited to: money, jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, piercings, watches, rings, etc.)
    • Items confiscated due to violation of the Campus Rules, except money, will be held in the front office.
    • Cash will be placed on the students lunch account up to $20
      • Anything over $20 will be confiscated and a parent will be contacted to come retrieve the money.
    • Cell Phones are PROHIBITED at all times
      • If a cell phone is confiscated the parent will be able to:
        • Pay $20 to retrieve the phone in 48 hours
        • Pay $10 to retrieve the phone in one week from the time of confiscation
        • Pay $0 and the phone will be returned to the students at the end of the day on the last day of their assigned time
    • Other Items (jewelry, clothing, billfolds, backpacks)
      • Parents must make arrangements with office staff to pick up confiscated items from the office. Item pickup will be on Fridays only.
    • Billfolds, purses and backpacks are not to be brought to school.
    • At the end of the school year all unclaimed items will be disposed of.
  21. Violation of the LLC dress code will result in these consequences (not necessarily in this order):
    • Call home for parents/guardians to bring correct attire
    • ISS (In School Suspension) if room is available
    • Cinching of pants with zip ties
    • After school detention
    • Unsuccessful day towards completion

Since it is impractical to list every possibility of dress and grooming, final decisions concerning what is acceptable are left to a building administrator.

**Any student out of dress code that cannot be corrected at school will be required to have a parent pick them up.**

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