I am excited for the opportunity to work with the students, staff and community of Brazosport ISD in the capacity of Superintendent. My vision for Brazosport ISD is to create successful learning opportunities that will meet the varied needs of each of our students. Students must learn 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving to be college or career ready. With the Brazosport area experiencing a significant amount of industry growth, I see the present time a unique opportunity to prepare students to be ready to work in skilled labor areas. We must also prepare students to pursue advanced degrees in a variety of occupations, as well as the ability to thrive in a technological global marketplace. We must challenge students and allow them to learn the value of hard work and develop the characteristic of what I call “grit.” And most of all, they must learn to never, ever give up.
I envision every student in BISD having an adult who is a positive influence for them. I believe that connecting students to adults within school -through quality co-curricular programming, extracurricular programming and student clubs/organizations, with school or community partnerships- has a tremendous impact on student success. The adults in the organization must care about students and be allowed to teach students life lessons. We know students have a greater chance at success when learning gaps are addressed as early as possible. We also know that a quality education will change the trajectory of a student’s life. We must believe that the work we do as educators, truly makes a difference.
My wife Debbie is a Brazosport ISD graduate, and we have three children who are products of BISD schools. We are deeply committed to this school district and community. I look forward to working together to make this district the best place for students to learn academic and career skills, as well as becoming confident, self-directed learners so they continue to grow beyond graduation.

B*Braggin! BISD is Making Headlines
Check out the latest BISD B*Braggin Headlines! [more]
Massey Named President of Texas School Coalition
Brazosport ISD Superintendent Danny Massey has been named as President of the Texas School Coalition, a statewide organization dedicated to advocating for the financial support of school districts across Texas. Massey shared, “It is a privilege to serve as President of the Texas School Coalition. With inflation at record highs and the state not providing meaningful funding or raises for public schools employees in nearly six years, our schools face growing financial challenges. It is critical that we advocate for our educators and ensure that our students have the resources they need to succeed.” [more]
Massey Named as 2020 Region 4 Superintendent of the Year
On June 29, 2020, Danny Massey was officially named as the 2020 Region 4 Superintendent of the Year! The Region 4 Education Service Center serves a seven-county area composed of 48 public school districts and 39 open-enrollment charter schools, representing more than 1.2 million students, 99,000 educators, and 1,500 campuses. [more]
Massey Honored by the Brazosport Area Chamber as Man of the Year
Superintendent Danny Massey and Public Relations Administrator Karla Christman were named the 2019 Man and Woman of the Year by the Brazosport Area Chamber of Commerce. [more]
Friends of Texas Public Schools Names Danny Massey Ambassador of the Year
During a gala event held at the Baylor Club, McLane Stadium in Waco on November 18, the Friends of Texas Public Schools honored the 2020 Texas Public Schools Ambassador of the Year, Brazosport ISD Superintendent Danny Massey. [more]
Superintendent Massey Named as an Inspiring Leader by Texas Assoc of School Administrators
Brazosport ISD Superintendent Danny Massey was featured as an Inspiring Leader by the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA). Founded in 1925, TASA is the professional association for Texas school superintendents and other administrators. TASA Inspiring Leaders seeks to go past the recognition to describe the “outstanding school leaders who inspire others as they work to prepare future-ready students.” BISD Superintendent Massey certainly meets and exceeds that criterion. [more]
Superintendent Massey Honored by LULAC
Brazosport Independent School District Superintendent Danny Massey was recognized as the 2016 Education Community Honoree by the Brazosport League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council No. 4655, at their annual scholarship banquet.
Massey Featured as a Member of the National Association of School Superintendents
Meet Danny Massey and read his interview on the National Association of School Superintendents website. Also, see what he has to say about being a superintendent and what he has learned.
Danny Massey Named National Development Zone Leadership Fellow by PCA
BISD's Superintendent, Danny Massey, has been named a 2015 Development Zone Leadership Fellow by Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) for using high school and youth sports to develop “Better Athletes, Better People.”
Superintendent Contract
Danny Massey
[email protected]
Cynthia Martinez
Superintendent & Board of Trustees
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
979-730-7000 x28110