Free and Reduced Meal Applications Online

Free and Reduced Meal Applications Online
Posted on 07/25/2019
This is the image for the news article titled Free and Reduced Meal Applications OnlineTo receive free or reduced priced meals in the current school year, your child(ren) must have a current school year approved meal application on file in the Child Nutrition Department even if they were approved for meal benefits in the previous school year.
Charges and/or Meals Consumed Prior to the Application Being Approved for Meal Benefits: Parents and Guardians are responsible for any charges incurred by their children in the cafeteria. This includes the time frame when applications are being processed for meal benefits until they are approved. 
It is important to include all household members and students on the application even if they choose not to participate in the program. 
The State of Texas provides compensatory education funding to school districts based on the number of students approved for free and reduced meals. Please assist our District and your child’s campus by completing a Free and Reduced meal application each school year.
The new meal application for student(s) attending BISD for the 2019-20 school year is now  available.
Apply Online Here
For parents who cannot access the online application, paper applications are available in the Child Nutrition Department located at 202 Lakeview Dr, Clute, TX, 77541, or check with your campus cafeteria. Questions? Call (979) 730-7110.
Returning Applicants
For returning students who currently receive free and reduced meals, a new application must be submitted and approved to avoid any interruption in program benefits.  Please click on the Apply Online Here link above. Submit only one application per household.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 
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