Brazosport High had four outstanding powerlifters compete at the Class 4A Division II Region IV Powerlifting Meet in Bay City. Thalia Pina, Kaitlyn Vela, Ilysa Cantu and Amaya Ramos made BISD and their campus proud with their hard work and determination.
Three Lady Exporters will have the opportunity to compete for the state title on March 19, 2021. Below are the regional results:
Thalia Pina - 1st Place in her weight class. (State Qualifier)
Kaitlyn Vela - 4th Place in her weight class. (State Qualifier)
Ilysa Cantu - 3rd Place in her weight class. (State Qualifier)
Amaya Ramos - 8th Place in her weight class.
Congratulations to Coach TJ Heidt and his team for this outstanding accomplishment!
Pictured: Ilysa Cantu, Thalia Pena, Kaitlyn Vela, Amaya Ramos