FIS Presents at Middle School Matters Symposium

Freeport Intermediate Presents at Middle School Matters Symposium
Posted on 03/05/2021
This is the image for the news article titled Freeport Intermediate Presents at Middle School Matters SymposiumFreeport Intermediate School was named a Texas School to Watch by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals for the 2020-2021 school year. This week, the FIS Campus Leadership Team presented to other educators from around the state at the Middle School Matters Symposium, where they highlighted the campus philosophy that ALL kids can learn and succeed at high levels. This philosophy helped the school earn six state distinctions in the state accountability system, and also led to the culture that won the prestigious Capturing Kids Hearts Showcase School designation.

Freeport Intermediate’s mission is to set kids on a path to graduate from high school prepared for their future. This requires a holistic approach to students’ academic and social needs, as well as providing programming that allows students to explore their interests in career and technical fields. The leadership team believes their focus on developmentally responsive programming sets them apart from other campuses. This focus, along with a whatever it takes attitude, earned them the Schools to Watch status, which formed the basis for their presentation and was a welcome message for the symposium attendees.

FIS Presents


FIS Leadership Team
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