Students Create Red Sands Project

Brazoswood Students Create Red Sands Project Awareness Week
Posted on 04/20/2022
This is the image for the news article titled Brazoswood Students Create Red Sands Project Awareness Week Human trafficking is modern day slavery and is more common than most people think. Brazoswood Student Council attended the Texas Student Council State Convention in early April where they presented the Red Sands Project to over 4,000 students. The Red Sands Project is used to create awareness about the dangers of human trafficking.

To best educate students back on their home campus, the student council members decided to create an awareness week that began on March 28, 2022. On Monday, the council placed red sand in the cracks of the outdoor walkway between the freshman and main campuses.

Brazoswood student council member Alexa Madenjian explained that the red sand represents the victims who have fallen through the cracks of human trafficking. On Tuesday, the team sent out an educational video to the teachers and students providing them with more education. Wednesday, they handed out plastic bracelets to the student body that said “End Human Trafficking.” On Thursday, they hung up posters with the National Human Trafficking hotline number on them. Lastly, Friday, they had the students wear blue, the national human trafficking color, to symbolize all the victims and the hardships of human trafficking.

Alexa says she felt that the activities of awareness week impacted her campus by helping to bring the reality of human trafficking dangers to students. “It opened our campus' eyes to the modern day slavery that can affect anyone.”

Red Sands Project Red Sands Project
Red Sands Project
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